Just a reminder that kindergarten round-up is Wednesday, April 20th from 5:00-6:30. You can fill out enrollment paperwork or turn in paperwork if you have already enrolled your child online. We will have a classroom open, a bus to visit and some goodies for the future kindergarten students. We look forward to seeing you Wednesday!
about 2 years ago, Concord East Side
Turn your curious kids (grades K-6) into innovative thinkers this summer at Camp Invention at Concord Ox Bow! Camp will take place the week of June 13-17 and spots are running out! Secure your spot today and save $15 by using SUM15! at invent.org/mylocalcamp. #ConcordPride
about 2 years ago, Concord Schools
camp invention
Attention NEW kindergarten families! Enroll today and some FREE Concord Swag is yours to enjoy! Follow these steps: 1. Enroll online at www.concordschools.com/enroll on or before April 15 2. Stop by the Concord Education Center for your swag! #ConcordPride #WelcomeHomeToConcord
about 2 years ago, Concord Schools
Early bird promo
Thank you in our efforts to help the Junior High support Make-A-Wish. Through the stickers, beads, tape, shirts, and other activities, East Side helped raise $2939.45!!! Great job East Side on making wishes come true!
about 2 years ago, Concord East Side
We want to honor our East Side seniors. It is hard to believe that they are ready to graduate. We wish them nothing but the best in their future! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A35Gij4X1QyjNgndbOYx2ZUSqop8oX2A/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Concord East Side
In the all new "Explore" program at Camp Invention, children will get to design their own marble arcade, build an underwater habitat for their robotic fish, explore space and discover different inventions that have transformed the way people create. Camp will be coming to Ox Bow Elementary this summer during the week of June 13-17! Register your rising K-6th grader for a week of fun at invent.org/mylocalcamp. #ConcordPride To learn more, watch this video created by Ox Bow STEM Teacher Adam Yoder: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oqlaG7IbAppXHIpXWqqcKvogCRNW_vFF/view
about 2 years ago, Concord Schools
camp flyer
Breakfast and lunch menus for April
about 2 years ago, Concord East Side
Breakfast April
Lunch April
Dear Parents, The Driveway was completed prior to dismissal. Please resume the normal traffic pattern. Thank-you!
about 2 years ago, Kathy Nusbaum
East Side is helping the Junior High on Make A Wish. We have had some successful activities so far, but we have another one next Friday. Who wants to see Mr Hartsough “Stuck for a buck”? Look at the attached flyers for more details to support Make A Wish!
about 2 years ago, Concord East Side
Every year, Mrs. Borden has her students write a persuasive essay on donating to save an endangered animal. This year these two students persuaded Mrs. Borden to donate to the black rhinoceros and the polar bear. Great job students!
about 2 years ago, Concord East Side
persuasive essay
Reminder that Thursday, March 10th will be Spring Picture Day.
about 2 years ago, Concord East Side
REGISTER for CCS' TEACHER RECRUITMENT FAIR! Don't forget that we are hosting a teacher recruitment fair on Tuesday, March 22nd at 4:30pm. We're interviewing for all teaching positions. Please sign up! https://bit.ly/3LJHkRm
about 2 years ago, Steven Boyer
Concord Recruitment Fair
We love to see our students sharing their thinking. Here A third grade student is explaining to his peers how to solve this problem during mental math practices. Hearing the explanation was awesome!
about 2 years ago, Concord East Side
grade 3
A little early but we want to make sure we share our menus with you. You can also find them on our homepage by clicking on menu. Then click on documents. In the document’s folder is a folder with all of our menus. Thanks
about 2 years ago, Concord East Side
February menus
about 2 years ago, Concord East Side
East Side’s Winter Wonderland.
about 2 years ago, Concord East Side
Here are our January menus:
over 2 years ago, Concord East Side
Friday is the midpoint of the nine weeks. In lieu of sending a progress report home, we would like to encourage you to check online. With the online you can check your child’s grades at any time. Thanks!
over 2 years ago, Concord East Side
East Side December menus:
over 2 years ago, Concord East Side
We want you to know that this is the last call for Evergreen orders! You need to order by midnight tonight. https://sherwoodfundraiser.com/concordeastsidepto/products
over 2 years ago, Concord East Side